“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.”
– Victor Hugo
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America’s Changing Religious Landscape
Do you know …
- The U.S. is steadily becoming less Christian and less religiously observant as the share of adults who are not religious grows.
- The growth in the religiously unaffiliated is most pronounced among young adults.
- There is a large generation gap with Silent Generation, Baby Boomers and Generation X who predominantly identify as Christian, and Millennials who do not.
- There is a slight growth in share of those who identify with non-Christian faiths (Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and people who describe themselves as “spiritual”).
- Women are more religious than men, but both are growing less religious.
- Catholic losses have been most pronounced in the Northeast; Protestants, in the South.
- These trends hold across demographic groups, regions of the country, gender, and educational levels.
Source: Pew Research Center, 2019
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.